Publicaciones y Recursos

Surgical Management for Late Presentation of Interrupted Aortic Arch with Aortopulmonary Window

Norwood Procedure in a Patient With Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Right Aortic Arch, and Right Descending Aorta

Early Extubation in a Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Program Located at High Altitude

Development of an international standard set of clinical and patient-reported outcomes for children and adults with congenital heart disease: a report from the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement Congenital Heart Disease Working Group

Outcomes of the Non-fenestrated Fontan Procedure at High Altitude

A Novel Private–Public Hybrid Model for Treatment of Congenital Heart Disease in Mexico

Implementación de un protocolo de cirugía y entrega segura en un Programa de Cirugía Cardíaca Pediátrica en América Latina

Reemplazo valvular mitral en edad pediátrica

Reemplazo valvular mitral en edad pediátrica

Low free triiodothyronine levels in mexican pediatric population with congenital heart disease after cardiac surgery undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass.